Time attendance - Vaios

Time attendance

Time Tracking System

Time tracking is undoubtedly one of the best tools for your business. VAiOS offers an innovative online time tracking system, combined with an access control system. The price is definitely worth it, and the investment in our system pays off quickly and many times over. One of the most labor-intensive tasks for employers is monitoring staff – who comes and goes from the office, and whether they abuse their break times. These relationships are often the most conflict-ridden and stressful. Thanks to VAiOS’s time tracking system, all of this becomes automated. Employees can rest assured about their working hours, and employers about their discipline. If employees have flexible hours or work in different shifts, everything is organized thanks to flexible work schedules and separate access groups.

To facilitate accounting, our time tracking system issues a presence “Form 76”. The software for the system is web-based, making it accessible from any device with internet access. Our system is secured with specific access levels, security certificates, and a unique communication code.

Some Features of the Online Time Tracking and Access Control System

  • Modern web-based software for managing and monitoring the time tracking and access control system;
  • Easy assignment of cards and access groups;
  • Monthly online system maintenance;
  • Online support for software products;
  • Response within 48 hours for hardware issues;
  • Ability to configure and control the system from any device via encrypted internet connection;
  • Cloud-based data storage service;
  • Available entirely in Bulgarian, English, or other languages;
  • Ability to introduce an unlimited number of cards, groups, and access options;
  • Detailed reports;
  • Form 76.


The time tracking and access control system is extremely easy to install. After installing the devices, all you need is an internet connection. Thanks to its web-based structure, you can monitor and modify the system directly through an internet browser.

The time tracking and access control system can be integrated with other systems such as security alarms, video surveillance, lighting, and power outlets. This enables business automation, where predefined scenarios allow the systems to interact with each other. For example, the last employee leaves the office, and the security alarm system is activated automatically. Thanks to its modular design, the system can operate in small facilities and be upgraded to large complexes, business buildings, and more. The system will grow with your business. More useful information can be found on our blog.

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