Why do we need modern access control and work time systems? Isn’t it enough to have a normal barrier or turnstile? Do all modern access control and work time systems deserve it? What do they include? What benefit can such a system bring me? If you have asked yourself any of these questions, this article will discuss modern access control and work time systems. The problems they solve, their advantages, and application.
The image that arises in the minds of most people when they think about access control and work time systems: A person approaching an access control chip or card to the reading device. It unlocks the door or lifts the barrier so they can enter or exit. And this is, of course, the basic function of most systems. But the capabilities of modern access control and work time systems extend far beyond simply controlling who enters a building. The access control and work time system can be an excellent and invaluable tool for enhancing efficiency and organizing your business and home in several ways.
Where do modern access control and work time systems find application?
- Company offices, business centers;
- Banks;
- Warehouses, manufacturing facilities;
- Educational institutions – schools, technical schools, universities, kindergartens;
- Industrial enterprises;
- Hotels;
- Public institutions – sports halls and complexes, hospitals, museums, metro, government institutions, etc.);
- Protected areas;
- Parkings;
- Automobile transportation areas;
- Private houses, residential complexes, villas.
A well-implemented access control and work time system can start working even before staff and visitors arrive at the building.
What does the access control and work time system provide us and what problems does it solve?
Capacity control
Control and restriction of access by unauthorized persons to the territory of an enterprise, institution, office, or facility;
Restricted access to specific areas
Control employee access to individual premises. Such as places with increased danger, places for storing valuables, confidential information, weapons, etc.;
Preventing unauthorized entry into a protected area with a stolen or lost chip/card. Even if the access device is stolen or lost, you can quickly deactivate it. You can also cancel access to all cards and devices that may have disappeared or been stolen;
Registration and Detailed Reports
Not only will you have a record of every door opening and closing, but you will also know who and when someone has passed through. It can even identify who entered after hours, which can help catch wrongdoers and potentially prevent the theft of valuable property, information, and items. You can track access paths to different parts of the building to uncover the perpetrator.
Prevention of Data and Information Leakage
Your business will achieve more efficient database management using an access control and time attendance system. Access cards or chips can allow or deny employee access to specific company network-connected computers without requiring special software to be installed. This can prevent outsiders from gaining access to confidential information.
Protocols and Personalized Systems
Protocols can be configured to allow access to certain key cards at specific times and days. For example, you can permit certain employees to enter the business building at any time of day, while others may be restricted to office hours. Alternatively, the system can be set to allow access during weekends only for cleaning staff.
Higher Safety in Emergency Situations
Having precise real-time information on the number of people inside the building during an evacuation is crucial.
Increased Productivity
With real-time information about employees’ activities (precise entry and exit times, breaks, average stay times in warehouses, etc.), more corrective and serious measures can be taken when necessary.
Competitiveness and Image
Access control and time attendance systems reduce the time spent managing capacity and security. They also provide more accurate information about your employees and clients, which you can use to improve the quality of your services. Additionally, installing such systems gives your company an image of a modern and secure organization that inspires trust.
Access control and time attendance systems can be integrated with various security systems. This means that all access will be monitored and centrally controlled.
Integration with Video Surveillance and Fire Alarm Systems
The main advantage of integrating with video surveillance and fire alarm systems is that a unified database of all systems is maintained and installed in one place. All information is transmitted and displayed conveniently. This allows one or two security personnel to control a large facility, building, or structure, significantly reducing operational costs for personnel and maintenance.
Energy and Cost Savings
Access control and time attendance systems can be integrated with other systems, such as lighting, irrigation systems, sound and notification systems, alarms, and air conditioning. The most advanced of these systems can indicate precisely which areas of the building need lighting or even regulate temperature at any given moment.
Solving Parking Issues
A well-implemented access control and time attendance system can start operating even before staff and visitors reach the building by controlling entry and exit to the parking lot. Modern systems can be programmed to allow access only to authorized vehicles. Alternatively, they can simply count cars until parking spaces are full, then block further entries.
Remote Access
For instance, you’re at a business meeting and urgently need to grant someone access to the office. This would be impossible with a traditional lock, but not with a fast and easy access control and time attendance system. Simply grant access from wherever you are, and the problem is solved. Of course, you can immediately revert to normal settings afterward to prevent repeated access (unless you choose otherwise). Remote access to your system is one of the features you’ll likely love shortly after installing such a system.
One of the greatest benefits of installing a modern access control and time attendance system is significant reduction in electricity costs.
What Does an Access Control and Time Attendance System Typically Include?
- Controllers – receive information from readers, autonomously manage executive mechanisms such as automatic locking of doors, locks, turnstiles, etc.;
- Reader Devices – designed to detect individuals and transfer information to the controller to decide whether to grant access or not;
- Access Control Accessories – these are identifiers such as physical carriers (cards, chips, remote controls), digital passwords;
- Time Attendance System – this system accounts for the time spent by employees within the office/building and generates reports for the accounting department, security, personnel, etc.;
- Software – the access control system software allows you to configure controllers, store information about cardholders, and generate attendance reports for employees during working hours;
- Access Control Executive Devices – locking mechanisms, turnstiles, barriers, video intercom and intercom systems;
The access control and time attendance system can be an excellent and invaluable tool for enhancing your business efficiency.
In a technological world like today’s, security systems are evolving and advancing at incredible speed, offering more features and higher levels of integration. Access control and time attendance is a great example of this development. Whether you’re trying to protect residential or commercial property, using access control offers numerous advantages with almost no downsides to consider. In fact, different security systems and subsystems work better when treated as a single system capable of addressing all specific risks of a facility and almost any type of attack.